5 Signs of Aging Hair and What to Do About Them

Sep 20, 2021

We all know that as we get older, our hair gets a little greyer. But did you know that fading color isn’t the only sign of aging hair?

In fact, as the years pass, you may notice a number of not-so-great changes in your locks. That’s why we’re not only breaking down the most common
signs of aging hair, but also giving you a deep dive into what you can do about
them to restore your hair’s health and vitality.

#1 - Dry Hair

As you age, the oil glands in your scalp shrink. This means that less oil reaches the hair shaft that when you were younger.

Luckily, this issue can be easily remedied by restoring the moisture and hair your hair has lost. Be sure to use only a gentle shampoo designed for aging hair, and follow it with a deep conditioning treatment. For even more intense hydration, try a leave-in provitamin conditioner to repair extremely dry or damaged hair and keep your locks soft and manageable.

#2 - Thinning Hair

With age, hair can also begin to thin if it becomes fragile and is damaged faster than it can grow. The good news is that a leave-in conditioner that contains smoothing proteins and conditioners can help prevent hair breakage to give the appearance a thicker mane of hair.

#3 – Brittle Hair

A lack of elasticity due to dryness can make your hair more brittle and prone to breakage. If you notice this sign, it’s important to avoid harsh hair products and styling methods that make the problem worse. Instead, go with the advice from number two and use a protein-rich leave-in conditioner that helps to seal the hair cuticles for hair that is stronger.

#4 – Less Volume

Youthful hair has a lot of volume. But as the years pass, this volume can be lost, leaving your hair looking thinner than ever. To restore lost volume, turn to a conditioner that uses avocado oil to moisturize, plus natural botanicals from grapefruit and lemongrass to ensure hair isn’t weighed down.

#5 – Dullness

If your hair just isn’t as shiny as it used to be, age could be to blame. Over the years, exposure to environmental pollutants and UV rays, product buildup, and even age-related hormone changes can dull hair.

Banish the buildup of products by using a clarifying shampoo once a week and then follow with a deeply nourishing conditioner formulated with bamboo and coconut oil to rejuvenate your tresses’ shine.

 Specialized care for aging hair

Most of all remember…

Aging hair needs care from products designed specifically to meet its needs, one that can leave it hydrated, vibrant, and healthy.

It’s not enough to rely on the same shampoos and conditioners you used in your 20s. Instead, invest in your hair care and your hair will thank you with increased resilience and volume and a gorgeous shine.


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